First it hurts, Then it changes you.

– D. Hendrix       

I’ve invaded my Mom’s house and spread what’s left of my worldly possessions all over the place while I figure out what’s coming with me, what goes in storage and what to let go of forever.

I know 95% of what I brought to Texas will be left behind. Although I’m looking forward to living with less, some things are harder than others to say good-bye to. 

Im storing all my old journals and sketchbooks, I have a collection of pens & markers I want to travel with and i’m determined to bring at least two of my six scarves.

Now that the hard part  is done, it’s time to pack. I know i’ll regret leaving without my beloved stuff, but i’m counting on making awesome discoveries along the journey.

We need much less than we think we need.

– Maya Angelou

Los Angeles, CA

I’ve lived in Los Angeles since 1998. 21 years ago I moved from San Diego to Los Angeles so I could finish school, get my BA at CSUN and defer repayment on my student loans.

On Wednesday, May 15, I caught the 10pm Amtrak from LA to San Antonio. I thought a 2-day train ride would be a great way to get my thoughts together before leaving the US for my first international stop, Mexico City. I also really love the train and the fact that it’s a great place for drawing is an added bonus.

When I arrived at LA Union Station I was feeling nervous. Maybe because I was leaving behind most everything I’ve known for over 21 years, maybe it was fear of all the unknown ahead, maybe it was both or maybe it was something else all together. Instead of trying to figure out why I was nervous, I decided to use that energy for good.

I met a fellow blogger and train enthusiast name Rick, who was on a 23 day Amtrak adventure through the US. Rick snapped this pic of me and my sketchbook.